Success Story

Aruba Networks builds new bridges into British Land


Engagement with named C-level targets


Result timeline


RFP opportunity

1 Discover

Aruba Networks focused on British Land as a net new account to drive new relationships and generate opportunity for both organisations. Planning and deep dive research uncovered that British Land were focused on a Smart Cities initiative to modernize technology that underpins the urban environment. This exercise allowed Aruba to identify the cross over with their own value proposition and highlight that both organisations overlap and have the joint capability and focus to modernize the UK’s cities.

2 Plan

Following discovery of the Smart Cities alignment, the plan was to create and deliver a set of assets into British Land for Aruba that would generate the best possible introduction to the account leads. A messaging workshop revealed the right approach and the correct route to take in order to ignite this campaign.

The hero asset would be a video that told the story of Aruba and British Land in a compelling way, showcasing the opportunity for both organisations. Run end-to-end, this ABM campaign was in market for 6 weeks before it started to garner significant results, as five of the C-Level stakeholders engaged with key assets including a video introduction card (hand delivered), a high value asset and a thought leadership approach. A robust campaign approach that utilised email and LinkedIn to reach the right people at the right time.

3 Deliver

The one-to-one ABM campaign generated a number of important meetings for Aruba that started and developed their engagement with British Land, which has ignited great things for both companies. The value and the impact attributed to this engagement is hard to put a price on, especially as Smart Cities continue to flourish both in the UK and in other parts of the globe.

Thought leadership continues to improve the visibility and the prominence of the sales leadership at Aruba, where once British Land was seen as a ‘hard to reach’, now the team at Aruba Networks can pick up the phone and start planning large projects together.