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Insights that
sparks imagination

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Hotwire Insights
On this year’s International Women’s Day, I got to thinking about how so many brands have...
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Hotwire Insights
Buy now pay later (BNPL) is the fastest-growing online payment method in the UK. With a market...
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Hotwire Insights
Loyalty: ask any retailer what they want and the chances are this will come up. But now, consumers...
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Hotwire Insights
WhatsApp recently gave an interview with Marketing Week about the launch of its...
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Hotwire Insights
As with luck, inspiration is something you make happen for yourself rather than it being something...
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Hotwire Insights
It's very common, in our little hubbub of marketing, to receive a brief with the words 'brand...
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Hotwire Insights
“Much copy is bad because it is written in the same tone of frantic enthusiasm no matter who it...
Hotwire Insights
The Hotwire Ignite Possibility Program (HIPP) has been created to help tech enabled organisations...
Hotwire Insights
We all recognise the importance of influencers when it comes to building brand awareness and...
Hotwire Insights
Deal expands company’s expertise in connecting reputation building to revenue generation...