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What is Intent Data and How It Powers ABM Strategies

Account-Based Marketing, Insights & Evaluation

Hotwire Global

Download the ‘Age of Intent’ whitepaper

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) has become commonplace in the B2B sector. While many are aware of its importance, only few have leveraged the power of intent data in their activities.

What is intent data?

  • A type of sales intelligence that provides insight into anonymous user purchase intent.  
  • Identifies if and when a prospect is actively considering your product or service. 
  • By harnessing this data, B2B marketers can personalize their ABM messaging, simplify workflows, and better engage their customers. 

Intent data is most insightful when integrating first-party and third-party data sets. Using technology such as IP tracking software, automation tools, and CRM systems, marketers can recognize  prospects activity that align with their business objectives and focus their efforts in the places that matter. 

Our latest whitepaper “The Age of Intent” drafted in partnership with Lead Forensics offers a concise explanation of intent data, how to generate 360-degree insights using first and third-party intent data and how to empower your marketing and sales teams in  simplifying their efforts!

Key takeaways include: 

  • How to calculate and measure intent data scores 
  • Where to look for intent data across owned, earned, and paid sources 
  • How to effectively utilize intent data to enhance your ABM activities 
  • How to become a data-driven organization  

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